Obstacle Avoidance
Obstacle avoidance
In this practice we have an avoiding obstacle formula 1 using the VFF algorithm as objective.
The VFF algorithm consist on getting repulsive and attractive forces that will represent the mobility system of our robot; getting a final force as result which will represent the angular and linear velocity for a safe navigation.
The attractive force:
For the attractive force, we will get the relative position of the goal to our robot. This will represent a vector which we will normalize and use as the attractive force.
The repulsive force:
This was the hard one.
For getting this force, firstly we must parse the 180 measures that the laser give us in order to get the information that we want and delete the noise; then, we will transform that treated measures to a normalized vector that will have the opposite direction and sense to the object that we want to avoid.
The total force:
This is the final force that will have the form (lineal_velocity,angular_velocity).
In order to get it, we have to sum our 2 previous vectors, component by component, but multiplying before each of their component by a constant that will change depending on the implementation; having the following form:
Total_force = (lineal_velocity, angular_velocity);
Lineal_velocity = A * attractive_force_x + B * repulsive_force_x
Angular_velocity = C * attractive_force_y + D * repulsive_force_y
And that's all!!!
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